Can it be overcome at all?
There is always fear of public speaking. Another thing is that it has a different effect on professionals and beginners. If knowledge, skills and experience are not enough, fear can “block” up to shaking hands and stuttering. Speakers with many years of experience also have fear, but they know how to overcome it and not show it.
What methods are there?
The best way to cope with the fear of public speaking is the rule “PPN”: preparation, practice, attitude. These are not general phrases, but an effective life hack. When you know the topic well, prepare and rehearse, you will be able to get the message across despite the excitement. And even if you get confused or stumbled, preparation and knowledge of the topic will help you save the situation. In addition, it is usually not the process of communicating with the public that scares you, but how it will evaluate you. Therefore, it is helpful to shift the focus of attention away from yourself and your fear to the purpose of the presentation.
I would like some simple tricks … Would you recommend?
The simplest of the psychological methods is to formulate a positive attitude towards the topic, the audience and oneself before speaking. Understand what your role is, what the purpose of the talk is, and why they will listen to you. It helps create the right mindset and focus on meaning.
Focus on the interests of your audience, not your own concerns. Imagine that you, as a guide, lead the audience to the main point of the talk. This will make it easier to distract yourself from fears and overcome anxiety.
There are also physiological techniques. It is useful to go in for sports in the morning, and before the performance to “breathe”: to do several cycles of calm deep breathing with a short inhalation delay and a long exhalation.