Constructive Conflict Resolution

Conflicts are an inevitable part of human relationships, whether in personal or professional settings. While they can sometimes lead to negative outcomes, conflicts, when approached correctly, can also foster growth, understanding, and innovation. Effective communication is the key to ensuring conflicts are resolved constructively. This article delves into the strategies to use communication as a tool to navigate disagreements and build stronger bonds.

Understanding the Nature of Conflict

Before one can effectively address a conflict, it is essential to understand its nature and roots. Conflicts can arise from a myriad of sources: differences in values, goals, needs, or perceptions. Recognizing the specific cause can inform the strategy you employ to resolve it.

  • Sources of Conflict: Conflicts might arise from personal differences, cultural misunderstandings, or competition for limited resources. Sometimes, it could simply be a result of poor communication where one party misinterprets the intentions or words of another.
  • The Impact of Emotions: Emotions play a significant role in conflicts. When individuals feel threatened, they might respond defensively, further escalating the situation. Recognizing and addressing these emotional undercurrents is crucial.

Active Listening in Conflict Resolution

As discussed in previous sections, active listening is a powerful tool in communication. In the context of conflict resolution, it becomes even more vital.

  • Avoiding Assumptions: Often, conflicts escalate because parties make assumptions about each other’s intentions. Active listening involves fully concentrating on the speaker, ensuring you understand their perspective without clouding it with your biases or preconceptions.
  • Validating Feelings: Even if you disagree with the other party’s point of view, acknowledging and validating their feelings can defuse tension. It sends the message that you respect their perspective, even if you don’t share it.

Using “I” Statements for Expression

The way we phrase our thoughts during a conflict can either alleviate or exacerbate the situation. Using “I” statements is a technique that promotes healthy communication during disagreements.

  • Avoiding Blame: Instead of saying, “You always ignore my opinions,” rephrase it to, “I feel overlooked when my suggestions aren’t considered.” This shifts the focus from accusing the other party to expressing your feelings, reducing the chances of them becoming defensive.
  • Being Specific: Generalizations can be counterproductive. Instead of saying, “You never help,” it’s more effective to specify, “I felt overwhelmed when I had to manage the project alone last week.”

Seeking Win-Win Solutions

The end goal of any conflict resolution should be to find a solution beneficial to all parties involved. This might require compromise, creativity, and flexibility.

  • Brainstorming Together: After both parties have had a chance to express their perspectives, collaborate to brainstorm potential solutions. This collaborative approach not only increases the chances of finding a mutually beneficial solution but also strengthens the bond between the parties.
  • Being Open-minded: Sometimes, the best solution might be something neither party had initially considered. Being receptive to new ideas and willing to adapt is crucial.

Knowing When to Seek Mediation

While effective communication techniques can resolve many conflicts, sometimes the situation might require external intervention. Recognizing when you’re at an impasse and seeking mediation can be beneficial.

  • Neutral Perspective: A mediator doesn’t have personal stakes in the conflict and can, therefore, offer a neutral perspective. This can help in breaking down barriers and facilitating effective communication.
  • Structured Communication: Mediators often have training in conflict resolution and can guide the conversation in a productive direction, ensuring all parties have a chance to speak and be heard.

Embracing Empathy in Disagreements

Empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of another, is a cornerstone of effective communication, especially in conflict resolution.

  • Stepping into Their Shoes: Try to see the situation from the other person’s perspective. This doesn’t mean you have to agree with them, but understanding where they’re coming from can bridge communication gaps.
  • Expressing Understanding: Simply letting the other party know that you understand their feelings can defuse a lot of tension. Statements like “I can see why you might feel that way” can be very powerful.

Setting Boundaries in Discussions

While it’s important to be open and understanding, it’s equally crucial to set and respect boundaries during conflict resolution.

  • Stay on Topic: If the discussion is about a specific incident or issue, avoid bringing up past grievances or unrelated matters. This can muddle the conversation and prevent a resolution.
  • Avoid Personal Attacks: Stick to discussing the issue at hand, and avoid ad hominem attacks or criticisms that aren’t relevant to the primary concern.
  • Know When to Take a Break: If emotions are running high and communication isn’t productive, it’s okay to suggest taking a break and revisiting the issue later.

The Importance of Follow-Up

Resolving a conflict isn’t just about the immediate discussion. Ensuring that resolutions stick and preventing future disagreements requires follow-up.

  • Check-in After Resolution: A few days after the discussion, check in with the other party. Ensure that the agreed-upon solutions are working and address any lingering concerns.
  • Commit to Ongoing Communication: Make it a point to maintain open channels of communication. Regularly discuss any potential issues before they escalate into larger conflicts.
  • Reflect and Learn: Every conflict provides a learning opportunity. Reflect on what went well during the resolution process and what could’ve been handled better. Use these insights for future disagreements.


Effective conflict resolution through communication is an art and a skill that can be honed over time. By approaching disagreements with empathy, setting clear boundaries, and ensuring consistent follow-up, individuals and organizations can foster healthier relationships, promote understanding, and create harmonious environments.

Strengthening Casino-Client Relations with Apple Pay

In the fast-paced realm of online gaming, the relationship between casinos and their patrons is paramount. Apple Pay has emerged as a pivotal tool in this dynamic, not only simplifying transactions but also enhancing the overall experience for both parties. Let’s delve into the multifaceted advantages of Apple Pay in the online casino world.

Hassle-free Transactions

One of the primary draws of Apple Pay for both online casinos and their patrons is its sheer simplicity. Registering a card on Apple Pay is a one-time task. Once done, clients can make deposits with just a tap. This alleviates the need to repeatedly enter card details, making the transaction process both faster and safer. Moreover, the security protocols associated with Apple Pay, including biometric and two-factor authentication, ensure that every transaction is secure, putting both the player and casino at ease.

Exclusive Incentives and Rewards

Casinos have quickly recognized the popularity of Apple Pay and are keen to reward their patrons for using this method. Many online casinos now offer exclusive bonuses and promotions for users who deposit funds using Apple Pay. These can range from bonus spins, deposit match bonuses, or even cashbacks. Such incentives not only encourage players to use Apple Pay but also enhance their overall gaming experience. For a detailed look into the types of bonuses available, this resource offers comprehensive insights.

Strengthened Customer Trust

With increasing concerns about online security, clients are often apprehensive about sharing card details with online platforms. Apple Pay’s transaction method, which doesn’t share card details with merchants, reassures players. This heightened security fosters trust between the player and the casino. When customers feel secure, they are more likely to engage more extensively with the casino, depositing funds more frequently and playing games with higher stakes.

Immediate Accessibility and Connectivity

The instantaneous nature of Apple Pay’s transactions ensures that players can access their funds in real-time. There’s no waiting for approvals or bank processing times. This immediacy enhances the player’s experience, allowing them to dive into games without delay. Additionally, with the service available across Apple devices, players can seamlessly switch between platforms, ensuring uninterrupted gameplay.

Lowering Operational Hurdles for Casinos

A seamless transaction process isn’t only beneficial for the clients but also significantly advantages online casinos. Payment processing can often be a convoluted affair with traditional methods, laden with fees, delays, and sometimes failed transactions. Apple Pay, with its straightforward approach, eliminates many of these hurdles. Traditional payment methods often involve third-party intermediaries, which not only complicate the process but also add a layer of transaction fees. Apple Pay simplifies this by acting as a direct link between the client’s bank and the casino, minimizing transaction costs. Moreover, the real-time processing ensures that the casinos can maintain a consistent cash flow, vital for their operational efficacy. Furthermore, the reduced friction in the payment process can lead to better customer retention for casinos. When players experience a hassle-free deposit or withdrawal method, they are more likely to return, fostering loyalty.

Enhanced Data Privacy and Regulation Compliance

In an age where data privacy is a significant concern, casinos face the challenge of ensuring their client’s data protection while also adhering to global data protection regulations. Apple Pay, with its robust security infrastructure, can be a boon in this context. Apple Pay uses a method called tokenization to process transactions. Instead of sharing actual credit or debit card details, Apple Pay uses a unique Device Account Number, ensuring that the real card details are never shared with merchants or stored on servers. This not only provides an added layer of security for the user but also reduces the responsibility on casinos to store and protect sensitive customer data. Moreover, by integrating Apple Pay, online casinos can better align themselves with data protection regulations. As data breaches become a growing concern in the digital sphere, utilizing a system known for its stringent security measures can significantly aid in maintaining a casino’s reputation and trustworthiness. With these added benefits, it’s evident that Apple Pay’s influence extends beyond just facilitating transactions. For casinos, it’s a tool that can optimize operations, reinforce customer trust, and ensure regulatory compliance, solidifying its place in the future of online gaming.


In a landscape where user experience can set one casino apart from another, Apple Pay stands out as a tool that bridges the gap between casinos and their clients effectively. With its ease of use, reinforced security measures, and exclusive rewards, Apple Pay isn’t just a payment method; it’s an integral part of the modern casino experience. Both casinos and players are set to benefit from its continued integration into the online gambling sphere.

The Top Most Incredible Storytelling Websites

In today’s digital age, storytelling has taken on a whole new dimension. With the advent of advanced technology and innovative platforms, we now have access to incredible storytelling websites that captivate, entertain, and inspire us. In this article, we will explore some of the top storytelling websites that have made a significant impact in recent years. From RipePlanet’s immersive narratives to Ernest Hemingway’s timeless tales, we will dive into the world of captivating stories and discover the power of storytelling in various forms.

RipePlanet: Unleashing Immersive Narratives

RipePlanet is a storytelling website that stands out for its unique and immersive narratives. It combines cutting-edge technology with compelling storytelling techniques to create an unparalleled experience for its users. Through the clever use of interactive elements, multimedia content, and thought-provoking plots, RipePlanet takes storytelling to a whole new level. Users can embark on virtual journeys, interact with characters, and shape the outcome of the story, making it a truly immersive and engaging experience.

2022: The Year Ahead – A Glimpse into the Future

“2022: The Year Ahead” is not just a website but a visionary platform that paints a vivid picture of what the future holds. Through a series of captivating articles, videos, and infographics, this storytelling website explores various aspects of technology, science, culture, and society. It offers insightful predictions, expert analysis, and thought-provoking scenarios that encourage us to contemplate the possibilities of the future. Whether you’re interested in emerging technologies, environmental trends, or social advancements, “2022: The Year Ahead” has something to captivate every curious mind.

I Killed A Cactus: Quirky Tales and Unexpected Adventures

Site's home page

“I Killed A Cactus” is a storytelling website that embraces the unexpected and celebrates the quirks of life. It presents a collection of personal stories and anecdotes that are both relatable and entertaining. Through witty writing and relatable characters, this platform reminds us that life’s mishaps and misadventures can often lead to unexpected joys. From hilarious travel mishaps to kitchen disasters gone wrong, “I Killed A Cactus” takes us on a journey of laughter, reflection, and appreciation for life’s unpredictable moments.

Where is Poland?: A Geographical Adventure

Site's home page

“Where is Poland?” is a storytelling website that combines travel, geography, and discovery into an immersive experience. Through a series of interactive maps, captivating narratives, and stunning visuals, this platform invites users to explore the world and unravel the mysteries of geography. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or an armchair explorer, “Where is Poland?” sparks curiosity and invites you to embark on a geographical adventure like no other. Discover hidden gems, learn about diverse cultures, and satisfy your wanderlust through this captivating storytelling website.

Elements by Falmec: Stories through Design

Site's home page

Elements by Falmec is not just a website; it’s a testament to the power of design storytelling. Falmec, a renowned brand in the world of kitchen ventilation, showcases their range of innovative products through compelling narratives and stunning visuals. Elements by Falmec takes users on a journey of elegance, functionality, and innovation, showcasing how design can shape our everyday experiences. From sleek and minimalist designs to cutting-edge technological advancements, this storytelling website proves that beauty and functionality can coexist harmoniously.

The Perennial: Unveiling Nature’s Wonders

Site's home page

The Perennial is a storytelling website dedicated to the marvels of the natural world. Through captivating articles, breathtaking photography, and in-depth research, this platform showcases the intricate beauty of nature and highlights the importance of conservation. From exploring the depths of the ocean to discovering the wonders of the rainforest, The Perennial takes us on a journey that fosters a deep appreciation for the delicate balance of our planet. Immerse yourself in the captivating stories of flora, fauna, and the ecosystems that sustain life on Earth.

Ernest Hemingway: Master of Prose

Site's home page

Ernest Hemingway, a literary legend, left an indelible mark on the world of storytelling. Known for his concise yet powerful prose, Hemingway’s stories continue to resonate with readers of all generations. Through his works, he captured the essence of human emotions, struggles, and triumphs. Ernest Hemingway’s storytelling prowess is celebrated not only through his iconic novels such as “The Old Man and the Sea” and “For Whom the Bell Tolls” but also through his shorter works, including his celebrated collection of short stories, “The Snows of Kilimanjaro.” Hemingway’s ability to evoke emotions with a minimalist approach is a testament to his enduring legacy as a master storyteller.

PAI ESG LABS: Storytelling for Sustainability

Site's home page

PAI ESG LABS is a storytelling website with a focus on sustainability and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues. Through a combination of data-driven analysis, informative articles, and impactful visuals, PAI ESG LABS aims to raise awareness about sustainability challenges and highlight the efforts being made to address them. From exploring renewable energy solutions to examining sustainable business practices, this platform weaves compelling narratives that inspire individuals and organizations to take meaningful action towards a more sustainable future.

LEVORA: Empowering Women through Stories

Site's home page

LEVORA is a storytelling website that empowers women through powerful narratives and inspiring stories. It provides a platform for women from diverse backgrounds to share their experiences, challenges, and triumphs. Through thought-provoking articles, personal essays, and interviews, LEVORA fosters a sense of community and promotes gender equality. By amplifying the voices of women, this storytelling website encourages dialogue, support, and empowerment, making a positive impact on individuals and society as a whole.

GROTTE DES DEMOISELLES: Exploring Underground Wonders

Site's home page

Grotte des Demoiselles, a storytelling website focused on spelunking and underground exploration, takes us on an extraordinary journey beneath the Earth’s surface. Through vivid descriptions, stunning photographs, and interactive maps, this platform brings to life the hidden beauty of underground caves. From stalactites and stalagmites to underground rivers and majestic chambers, Grotte des Demoiselles unveils the secrets of these natural wonders. Whether you’re a seasoned cave explorer or simply fascinated by the wonders of the subterranean world, this storytelling website offers a captivating adventure.

GOOD MEAT: Redefining the Future of Food

Site's home page

GOOD MEAT is a storytelling website dedicated to the future of food and sustainable protein alternatives. With a focus on plant-based and cultured meats, this platform delves into the innovative solutions that are reshaping our food systems. Through engaging articles, scientific research, and thought-provoking discussions, GOOD MEAT sparks conversations about the environmental and ethical impact of our food choices. By presenting stories of pioneering entrepreneurs and sustainable farming practices, this storytelling website challenges our perceptions and encourages us to rethink our relationship with food.

SPINOZA.CO: Inspiring Intellectual Discourse

Site's home page

SPINOZA.CO is a storytelling website that celebrates intellectual discourse and philosophical exploration. Named after the renowned philosopher Baruch Spinoza, this platform aims to foster critical thinking, stimulate curiosity, and ignite meaningful conversations. Through a collection of essays, debates, and philosophical insights, SPINOZA.CO encourages readers to engage with complex ideas, challenge conventional wisdom, and seek deeper understanding. By providing a space for open-minded dialogue, this storytelling website creates a community of thinkers and learners who are passionate about the pursuit of knowledge.

Omid’s Personal Website: A Digital Journey

Site's home page

Omid’s personal website is a storytelling platform that chronicles the personal journey and experiences of Omid, an adventurer, entrepreneur, and storyteller. Through blog posts, photographs, and multimedia content, Omid invites readers to join him on his various endeavors around the world. From thrilling travel stories to insights into entrepreneurship and personal growth, Omid’s personal website offers a window into a life filled with curiosity, exploration, and meaningful connections. It exemplifies the power of storytelling as a means of connecting individuals and sharing experiences.

The Future of Storytelling Websites: Innovations and Trends

As technology continues to advance and user expectations evolve, the future of storytelling websites holds immense potential for further innovation and exciting developments. Here are some key trends and possibilities that may shape the landscape of storytelling websites in the coming years:

  • Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR): With the increasing accessibility of VR and AR technologies, storytelling websites have the opportunity to transport users into fully immersive digital worlds. Imagine stepping into a story as a virtual character or exploring interactive narratives overlaid on the real world through AR. These technologies have the potential to revolutionize storytelling and create unforgettable experiences;
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Personalized Experiences: AI-powered algorithms can analyze user preferences and behavior to deliver personalized storytelling experiences. Future storytelling websites may dynamically adapt content based on individual interests, allowing users to receive tailored recommendations, character interactions, and plot outcomes. AI can also enhance the creation process by generating storylines, dialogue, and even virtual characters;
  • Interactive Storytelling: Interactive storytelling is likely to become even more sophisticated, offering users greater agency in shaping the narrative. Advanced branching storylines, intricate decision-making systems, and real-time consequences based on user choices will provide a more immersive and engaging experience. Users will have the ability to influence the plot, character development, and outcomes, creating a sense of co-authorship;
  • Multi-Sensory Experiences: The future of storytelling websites may explore multi-sensory experiences beyond traditional visual and auditory elements. Haptic feedback, scent delivery systems, and immersive soundscapes can be incorporated to create a more holistic and immersive storytelling experience. By engaging multiple senses, storytelling websites can evoke stronger emotional connections and deepen the impact of narratives;
  • Collaborative Storytelling: As storytelling becomes more interactive, collaborative platforms may emerge, allowing users to collaborate in real-time to create stories together. These platforms could foster collective creativity, enabling users to contribute their ideas, characters, and plotlines. Collaborative storytelling websites can harness the power of crowd creativity and foster a sense of community among storytellers;
  • Cross-Media Integration: The future of storytelling websites may witness increased integration with other media forms, such as film, gaming, and social media platforms. Convergence between storytelling websites and these mediums can create more seamless and interconnected narratives that span across different media channels. Users can experience a story through various mediums, each offering a unique perspective and enhancing the overall storytelling experience;
  • Ethical Considerations and Responsible Storytelling: As storytelling websites become more influential, ethical considerations will gain prominence. Ensuring diverse and inclusive representation, addressing sensitive topics responsibly, and fostering cultural understanding will be essential for the future of storytelling websites. Platforms may prioritize responsible storytelling practices and offer guidelines to creators to ensure ethical storytelling standards are upheld.


In conclusion, storytelling websites have revolutionized the way we engage with narratives, ideas, and experiences. From immersive platforms like RipePlanet and interactive geographical adventures like “Where is Poland?” to personal storytelling websites like “I Killed A Cactus” and the literary legacy of Ernest Hemingway, these platforms offer a diverse range of storytelling experiences. Whether it’s through the lens of sustainability, personal growth, or intellectual discourse, storytelling websites have the power to captivate, inspire, and shape our perspectives. So dive into the incredible world of storytelling websites and discover the power of narrative in the digital age.

The right speech technique can do miracles

You stand in front of an audience, and suddenly your knees tremble, your voice trembles, and sounds seem louder than usual. Immediately the audience thinks: “But he’s nervous.” Emotions such as aggression also have a negative effect on the voice: you sound higher. Due to the stressful situation, the muscles, including the ligaments and muscles in the larynx, are tense. That quickly sounds uncomfortable to the audience. 

But it doesn’t have to happen that way. These tips will help you master your lecture.

Take enough air

Most of the time, before we start to speak, we take a quick breath in and hope that there is enough air. However, this usually only happens as shallow breathing in the chest area. The result: we run out of breath quickly.

During the presentation, pause or ask the audience a question if this happens to you. In this way, you gain time and can control your voice again. Then consciously breathe in deeply through your nose and silently exhale through your open mouth.

Breathe consciously

The deeper a person’s voice, the more sympathetic the person appears. However, if the voice begins to “wobble,” it has something to do with breathing. We breathe in, but then we forget to breathe out. So we run out of breath in the truest sense of the word. Our tip is to breathe in consciously through your nose and breathe out again through your open mouth. Allow sounds like ffff. The used air is then out of the body, and fresh air can again optimally supply all cells. You will notice that you are more alert, fresher and calmer.

If you notice before the presentation that the stress intensifies, counter it with a low tone. There is an effective exercise for this: make chewing movements with loose lips and hum like a bear. The larynx is relaxed after a few seconds. Then speak the first sentence of the presentation.

Refrain from clearing

Clearing your throat is the death of your voice. This puts enormous strain on the vocal cords. Also, the clearing of the throat does not go away directly. Before your presentation, drink plenty of warm water or herbal tea. Stress hormones cause all the fluids to shoot out of the brain. Coffee and sweet soft drinks also support this. To be able to think, however, we need fluids. The warm water offers the best liquid base. It is better to avoid carbon dioxide in order to prevent unpleasant burping.

If the familiar feeling of clearing your throat arises in the middle of the lecture and there is no water available, then make swallowing movements a few times. This relaxes the larynx.

Adjust slides to the speaking speed

If the speaking speed and the individual slides are coordinated during a presentation, this gives the speaker more security. Use the rule of thumb: one chart for every two minutes of talk time.

Whoever speaks too quickly loses the audience. People can no longer follow the speaker. Too slow speaker with a monotonous pitch is drowsy. Record your lecture and analyze whether you can and would like to follow yourself to the end. Get feedback.

A good speech and a varied speaking tempo make a lecture lively.

Allow breaks

Breaks have the advantage that the audience can think about what they have heard and memorize it. However, pauses also create tension and draw the audience’s attention to the speaker.

Many people are afraid to take a break in the lecture and are surprised that there will only be a few listeners involved at some point. Afterward comes the enlightenment: “I completely forgot about the breaks.”

Make sure you know beforehand when you want to take a break. Count from 21 to 25. Rehearse in front of the camera.

Talk to the audience

Many speakers turn their backs on the audience and speak to the slides. A beautiful back can certainly delight, but not during a lecture.

Often whole charts are read out by the speaker. That is drowsy and boring. First, speak, and then click on the slide. Make sure that a picture is worth a thousand words. Choosing meaningful photos and limiting the text to a few keywords is better.

Productivity boost: use YouTube for inspiration

Many of us want to improve our productivity, which is a very positive endeavor. After all, the more we manage to do during the day, the more time we can devote to activities that do not overlap with work activities. In addition, with high productivity, a person has the opportunity to earn more. No matter who you are – an experienced orator who inspires crowds, or an IT professional, productivity is equally important. YouTube can help you boost your productivity! Moreover, with the help of a YouTube video downloader, you can enjoy videos on any device at any time, even offline. Sounds good, right? Let’s learn more about it.

The role of productivity in human life

First of all, you need to understand what this concept is and also study the following questions:

  • Why are some people not always able to develop their willpower?
  • How do world-renowned professionals manage to stay effective and achieve great results?
  • How does energy expenditure affect productivity gains?

Productivity is the ability of a person to create something or perform a certain number of actions over a period of time.

As a rule, many people think that you just need to be able to concentrate as much as possible on your duties for high performance. However, in practice, such an attitude often brings specific problems.

Constant stress, a frantic rhythm, and a clearly defined framework of the work process can decrease motivation, deterioration in health, apathy, and other negative consequences. Therefore, it is important for each person to find the optimal balance between work and leisure. Check our list of top YouTube channels that will help you stay productive. 

Francesco D’Alessio

  • English language
  • Number of subscribers: 10,000

“Hello, it’s Francesco here!” – this is how the channel’s author greets his subscribers. Francesco is a remote marketer and runs a youtube channel that focuses on productivity.

He loves different time management apps and is happy to tell you how to use them most effectively. Mac OS owners should pay particular attention to the channel: Francesco mainly works with this operating system. Most Popular Videos include an overview of the Asana project management software and a comparison of the Wunderlist and Todoist apps.

Thomas Frank

  • English language
  • Number of subscribers: 650,000

Thomas is a blogger who makes his videos for those who want to enjoy their studies and do it as efficiently as possible. Thomas teaches techniques to help you learn faster, memorize information, and fight procrastination. The video “8 Tips for Truly Effective Learning” has received over 1.5 million views.

The author of the channel is charismatic and consistent in his advice. His videos do not contain unnecessary information and digressions: everything is clear and to the point. Thomas’s charisma and energy charge with cheerfulness: you want to immediately put things in order in your head and life after watching. His videos are helpful not only for students but also for those who want to improve their level of organization. Some of the most popular videos on the channel are “How to learn information quickly using the Feynman technique” and “The strongest way to remember information forever.”

Carl Pullein

  • English language
  • Number of subscribers: 6 800

Karl is a personal productivity specialist. He helps busy clients get more time and balance between work and personal life. Karl talks in detail about tools for personal effectiveness.

The format of his channel is engaging because the videos are divided into several “series”: Karl devotes a large number of videos to each topic. The discussion of voluminous topics lasts a long time: for example, 61 videos are devoted to the secrets of working with Evernote and more than 115 – to the features of the Todoist application.

There are fewer videos devoted to the Udemy learning platform, but Karl pays attention to this topic and also talks on general topics about productivity, such as how to prioritize and set goals. The most popular videos are “Create Projects in Todoist” and “Todoist + GTD: Gather Information.”


  • English language
  • Number of subscribers: 4 500

Scott Frisen, a productivity and time management specialist, is the host of this channel. Scott believes that “being busy doesn’t mean being productive” and helps his clients get more done with less energy.

On his channel, Scott talks about apps that promote personal effectiveness, teaches how to use them, and combines them with each other. Scott’s videos are concise and simple: he only shares practical secrets.

How to tell a story in business according to the rules of storytelling?

If I tell at a meeting how a neighbor parks on the lawn, is that storytelling?

We’ve already explained what storytelling is and why you should use it. Now let’s show how stories are used in business. If you’re in business storytelling, your stories are different from coffee conversations.

The “right” story has a specific purpose. It is important to determine what exactly you are telling the story for: want to inspire employees to work with a new service, train employees to work more efficiently, or help establish communication in the department.

Is there a specific example of how the story helped you get things done?

Several years ago, an experiment was conducted in a large charitable foundation. We recruited 2 groups of student volunteers to collect donations. One group was shown data on a daily basis how the money raised for the fund would affect their personal remuneration for the work done. The second group was told stories of how the donations they had collected had helped specific families. For example, one family of needy people bought a house, another – the child was paid for a medical examination. As a result of the experiment, the second group collected twice as many donations.

How to overcome fear of public speaking?

Can it be overcome at all?
There is always fear of public speaking. Another thing is that it has a different effect on professionals and beginners. If knowledge, skills and experience are not enough, fear can “block” up to shaking hands and stuttering. Speakers with many years of experience also have fear, but they know how to overcome it and not show it.

What methods are there?
The best way to cope with the fear of public speaking is the rule “PPN”: preparation, practice, attitude. These are not general phrases, but an effective life hack. When you know the topic well, prepare and rehearse, you will be able to get the message across despite the excitement. And even if you get confused or stumbled, preparation and knowledge of the topic will help you save the situation. In addition, it is usually not the process of communicating with the public that scares you, but how it will evaluate you. Therefore, it is helpful to shift the focus of attention away from yourself and your fear to the purpose of the presentation.

I would like some simple tricks … Would you recommend?
The simplest of the psychological methods is to formulate a positive attitude towards the topic, the audience and oneself before speaking. Understand what your role is, what the purpose of the talk is, and why they will listen to you. It helps create the right mindset and focus on meaning.

Focus on the interests of your audience, not your own concerns. Imagine that you, as a guide, lead the audience to the main point of the talk. This will make it easier to distract yourself from fears and overcome anxiety.

There are also physiological techniques. It is useful to go in for sports in the morning, and before the performance to “breathe”: to do several cycles of calm deep breathing with a short inhalation delay and a long exhalation.

Where to start your speech to get the audience interested?

There is a universal advice, what to say at the beginning?
There is no single method that is perfect for every occasion. There are dozens of entry options, and they all depend on the task that needs to be solved: for example, to actualize a problem, create an intrigue, or get to know the people in the audience better.

The classic way to start is to greet the audience, introduce yourself, and announce the topic of your talk. This way, viewers won’t have to guess who you are and what you’re talking about.

Okay, what can I say to whet your interest?

Give the audience a reason to listen to you carefully: address the emotions of the audience, create intrigue so that people in the audience empathize with what you say.

Tell a compelling story that has obvious contradiction or conflict. The viewers will definitely want to know what happened next: “In 2016, when I was a student at the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University and with great enthusiasm lounged around with fellow students, something happened that changed my life forever. Once…”. With such a beginning, it is easy to do without the classic compliments to the respected audience and routine statements about the importance of the topic.

It is good practice to show the benefits of your speech to the audience. Briefly tell us what effect awaits the audience at the end: what they will learn, what they will learn and how it will be useful to them in life.

Why not use the Thanks for Attention slide?

Everyone is using it, why can’t I?
Not all. At the end of articles, journalists, for example, do not write “thank you”, right? That’s not necessary on the final slide. “Thank you for your attention” is a relic of the past from the academic environment, when, after long lectures, the teachers thanked the students for their perseverance. In modern presentations, this phrase sounds like “thanks for listening to my boring presentation to the end.”

The final slide is an opportunity to communicate something useful to the audience, or to inspire and end the speech on the rise. Don’t waste the viewer’s time on a phrase that is perceived as a formality, a ritual. The phrases “Well, something like that”, “Well, that’s all” is also not worth using.

Then what to write on the last slide?
Throughout the presentation, you convinced the viewer of the importance of the problematic, offered new information, solutions, arguments. Formulate a call to action so that the viewer does not have a feeling of incompleteness or a crumpled ending, make him think in the end.

If the purpose of the presentation assumes that after the speech you will be contacted, leave your contacts. Links to social networks, website, phone number, etc. For convenience, you can insert a QR code.

How to choose a background for your presentation?

I want a background, like my grandmother’s carpet, where to look?

The background of the presentation should not be colorful with many elements, from which the audience will begin to ripple in the eyes. The more concise, the easier the information is to read. Ruffles have a place on carpets, and in the presentation, unnecessary elements in the background only distract from the essence and look sad

And what about the acidic background? Fashionable!

The main condition is that in presentations, the background and text should be contrasting so that the information is easy to read and there is no need to strain your eyes. Black and white is a classic example. It is not for nothing that the pages in the books are made light and the text black.

If you are preparing a presentation, test beforehand how the presentation will look on the screen. Projectors often distort colors: turquoise can easily turn into swamp.

A lot also depends on the lighting. For dimmed performances, use a dark background. White will dazzle. For performances in a bright room, print and personal meetings – light.

Then how do you choose a background for contrast?
If you want something more interesting than white and black, there are ready-made backgrounds and palettes on the sites:

Subtle Patterns is a repository of free textures and patterns for presentations and websites. The collection contains 500+ discreet backgrounds in different colors. You can search through the search box by specifying the color or type of ornament. For example, “light” or “geometric”. Or navigate by tags.

Transparent Texture explodes with all colors. It’s easy to find a bright texture: set the color by number or from the palette, select a texture and copy the code. Perforated leather in bright blue or green wood tiles? Transparent Textures has it all. The search bar will help you not to get lost in the variety of textures. Save for free.

Adobe Color is an online resource for color matching. Determines the palette based on the specified foreground color, or extracts from an image you uploaded. You can set the color mood: colorful, bright, muted, saturated or dark. If you are at a loss with a choice, the site has ready-made palettes for inspiration from the best work in Adobe Stock and Behance from around the world. Is free.